Thank you for visiting TRAVELAWAY.CA Celebrating 20 years in business 2004 - 2024.

Nothing more important than time away to recharge and spend time with the people you love. Perhaps it's the freedom of being on the road with no deadlines or chores, or the everyday discovery of new destinations, foods, cultures and friends, but travel is a great way to realign and find balance in your life, resulting in a happier, healthier you!

Let us help you plan your next vacation. While luxury vacations and cruise holidays are our specialties, we offer so much more. From all-inclusive escapes to enchanting visits to Walt Disney World, captivating tours of Europe, immersive explorations on a River Cruise, and beyond, your travel agent is connected to a vast network of experts and travel partners worldwide, ensuring we find the perfect vacation for you.

All travel booked with us is processed through TravelOnly - one of Canada's largest retail travel agencies. TravelOnly is an accredited I.A.T.A. appointed agency and a member of C.L.I.A and A.C.T.A

Remember "The Best Vacation Starts With A Travel Agent !!

We look forward to working with you…

Brenda Falvo

